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Georgia Encarnacion, RDH

located in Van Nuys, CA

Georgia Encarnacion, RDH

I have been a registered dental hygienist at ERA Dentistry since 2019. What is important to me is family,  going to church, and helping others. Treating everyone with respect and dignity is a priority. When I am not at work, I am usually enjoying the day with my family. I found my home away from home at ERA Dentistry. Everyone comes to work with a positive attitude which makes for a happy and healthy environment. My favorite part of my job is when I see my patients smile at the end of treatment because they feel just a little better from the cleaning than when they first came in. I am inspired when seeing patients' progress in-home care when I find 2-3 millimeter pockets or pink, healthy gums whether it is from brushing, flossing, or using a water flosser more regularly;) I enjoy what I do, truly care for my patients, and love my office family.