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Home/Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental Implants Specialist

If you suffer from discomfort because of missing or broken teeth, dental implants could be a good choice for you. Dr. Elizabeth Rojas at Era Dentistry. provides services to restore your confident smile and improve your comfort with eating. Call her office in Van Nuys, California, today or schedule an appointment online to get more information about dental implants.

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When you have a cracked or missing tooth, a dental implant can stabilize your bite and allow you the comfort to eat and smile with confidence.


Dr. Rojas and her team create a secure environment for you to receive a painless procedure when inserting the dental implant. This allows for your teeth, bridges, or dentures to remain firmly in place.

Dental implants improve your smile with long-lasting effects. They provide many more benefits, as well, beyond appearances. These include:

Long-lasting stability

Dental implants provide a long-lasting alternative to your missing or damaged teeth. If you find it difficult to bite, chew, or talk, dental implants act as an orthodontic anchor, bonding with your jaw so that you feel as if you have a natural tooth.

Tooth misalignment prevention

When you’re missing a tooth, your surrounding teeth have a tendency to shift and fill the open gap creating abnormal tooth alignment. A dental implant creates a secure hold between your teeth, preventing this shifting from happening.

Restored jaw strength

When you lose a tooth, your jawbone begins to break down because the affected area no longer gets enough stimulation to keep the bone healthy. Dental implants use metal, screwlike posts as artificial tooth roots. They fuse into your jawbone, allowing your jaw to function fully.

Depending on the kind of implant you’re looking for and the condition of your jawbone, the procedure will take place in one stage or several.

When you arrive for your appointment, Dr. Rojas will complete a full dental exam to analyze the problem areas. The exam can include X-rays and 3D images of your teeth and jaw. After reviewing your medical history, she and her team will create a treatment plan specific to you. The plan will consider how many teeth need replacing and the state of your surrounding teeth and jaw.

Dr. Rojas and her team specialize in dental implants, creating a comfortable environment for the procedure. She places the metal implant in your jaw, giving it the proper time to heal. Depending on the patient, that time will be anything from a couple of weeks to a few months.

After you heal, you’ll return to allow Dr. Rojas to mount the artificial tooth, called a crown. Once the fit of the tooth and your comfort are confirmed, she’ll permanently mount the crown. Once implanted, the crown can last a lifetime with proper care.

You should give yourself time to heal after the procedure, eating soft foods and icing the affected area.

If you desire to improve your smile, speech, and ability to bite and chew, dental implants could be the best choice for you. Schedule an appointment at Era Dentistry using the online booking tool or calling her office today.

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